IP Porta verzoent expertise met toegankelijkheid

Accessible expertise

IP Porta combines expertise and accessibility.

As a firm, we focus on the area in which we truly excel: intellectual property rights (IP), technology and media & entertainment.

Each lawyer handles both technology and soft IP cases (copyright, trademarks). You work with all-round IP lawyers. Legal professionals with both expertise and a passion for even the most complex crossover cases: aspects involving media, copyright and the internet? Or biotechnology, IT and data? These are just the kind of cases we like to sink our teeth into.

We don't complicate matters unnecessarily. No jargon or fancy words, just sound advice and feedback that's clear and concise

Each of our lawyers handles both advisory matters and disputes. That makes us better contract writers and more effective in procedures. We take a sustainable and constructive approach to disputes and negotiations, with an eye to long-term solutions. Within the scope of our mandate, both you and other parties involved can count on us to actively listen and work diligently. By offering straightforward legal services, we strive to contribute to innovation, creation and prosperity.

Our expertise

Intellectual Property

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Media & Entertainment

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Advertising & Market Practices

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Technology, Data & Privacy

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Our services

Wat our clients say

The firm takes files and clients personally, and puts their entire heart and soul into each case. IP Porta is a top-notch IP law firm in Belgium with highly experienced attorneys. Their professionals can be depended upon to punctually deliver excellent work and outside-the-box solutions.

Legal 5002021

I was looking for a practice … that goes further than what I just ask for. That surprises you with original thinking and creates options; A practice that will go the extra mile with a smile. IP Porta delivered on all the above and more.

Yoav NirInventor and Entrepreneur

For specialised IP work, it is definitely the firm to go. The lawyers are worth their weight in gold – they work hard and give 100% of their attention to your case.


Ik heb in het verleden reeds verschillende kantoren ‘meegemaakt’ ook als klanten. Jullie aanpak is véruit de beste die ik ooit heb ervaren. “Het is een klasse hoger” op gebied van inzet, stiptheid en duidelijkheid. Details worden beter begrepen. Jullie werken aan een dossier alsof het voor jullie zelf is. Niets aan het toeval overlatend. Een dossier bij jullie heeft de hoogste kans, zoveel is zeker.


Al vele jaren werken we voor IP-dossiers samen met IP Porta, zowel voor contracten als voor geschillen. IP Porta heeft de gave om de juridische complexiteit meteen in oplossingen te vertalen met oog voor de menselijke dimensie van elk dossier. Voor ons springt evenwel vooral hun communicatieve waarde eruit. Je advocaat begrijpen is geen evidentie. In ons geval wel.

Jeroen OverstijnsCEO Standaard Uitgeverij

Contact us

Phone: 09 324 15 40
E-mail: info@ipporta.be

Kortrijksesteenweg 127 bus 2
9830 Sint-Martens-Latem

Free parking
Located under 'ORTHO' of Orthopoint